Папярэдняя старонка: Дзярновіч Алег

'Round numbers': the Mentality of Person in the First Half of the 16th Century based on the Delimitation of the Border Between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Livonia on the Braslaŭ Region   

Аўтар: Dziarnovich Aleh,
Дадана: 11-10-2016,
Крыніца: Дзярновіч А. І. 'Круглыя лікі': ментальнасць чалавека XVI ст. паводле матэрыялаў дэлімітацыі паміж ВКЛ і Лівоніяй на тэрыторыі Браслаўшчыны // Беларусь праз прызму рэгіянальнай гісторыі: Браслаўскія чытанні : зб. навк. арт. / НАН Беларусі, Ін-т гісторыі / навук. рэд. В. М. Ляўко; рэдкал. В.В.Даніловіч [і інш.]. – Мінск : Беларуская навука, 2016. – С. 119—127.


Summary: In 1542 the demarcation of the border between Livonia and the Great Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) has been organized. Boundary commissioners have met near lake Kurcums and further have parted in two directions - on the East («up to borders Moscow») and on the West «up to the Salty sea» (Baltic sea). Materials of work of the commission mainly on the Belarus-Latgale site of border make the maintenance of the 560 Book of the Metrica of the GDL. Commissioners established boundary markers and simultaneously wrote down complaints of local population to actions of the Livonian officials and land owners. In these complaints the huge sums of damage are listed, and the stolen herds of animals always are estimated in the whole tens (10, 20, 30,40, etc.).
How much real these figures? With what we deal in case of with complaints of boundary inhabitants? Is it special distortion of the information or specific display of consciousness? Most likely the picture of not divided consciousness of the person of the end of the Middle Ages and early Modern Time appears at us - with integers and traditional images of expression of insult.

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